The Parliament is a place of highest order in India. It is the most essential feature of a democracy.It is the pride of any nation.I am sure as a citizen of India with its democratic,soverign,socialist republic character does pride at this institution.
Its does give the citizen of India a part of the decision making process through the elected representatives and a sense of being an Indian.
The function of the parliament is to take path breaking decision effectively at a good pace. They are lawmaking bodies,they are a body which are responsible of revenue raising for the nation in the form of passing of bills.So time wasted is money lost.
But over the years parliament has become a place to settle political scores for the party over the nation.Many disruptions many of them unwanted have tried to spoil the sanctity of the parliament.
Example in the recent history of a winter session being completely whitewashed,also the time of resignation of the minister of state for External affairs Mr Shashi tharror,the parliament seemed to be have been working for the an inapporpiate direction.
There have been signs when great discussions/debate have happened and policies changed. Example In the present scenario was an excellent discussion on phone tapping.Hopefully everyday there would be many such discussions/debates.
In the recent history the parliament members seemed to be concerned about the parliament supremacy.I am sure that the sanity of the parliament rests with the
members itself not with any outside party.The supremacy or the conduct of the parliament rests solely on the members appropriate conduct.
In the end the parliament is a place where a matter is deliberated at length, views are expressed freely, the matter is considered in depth, in a business-like manner and in a calmer atmosphere without unwanted disruptions.
A calm atmosphere helps good decision making to find perfect solutions.