From a car insurance claim form:
“Q.Could either driver have done anything to avoid the accident?
“Q.Could either driver have done anything to avoid the accident?
A:Travelled by
The no. of road accidents and the eurozone have one thing in
common ,both seem to be in perennial crises, and one difference between the two , the latter seems
to be able to find a bail out each time.
No such luck with the pedestrians on the streets. They still have to cross the
same roads and hope the best.
The no. of the deaths caused by road accidents in India are
more than terrorist attacks and any bomb blasts put together.
One is brought to the attention that while crossing roads ,especially
at the highways, one has a tough time ,with vehicles zipping past ,one
after another, one is left muttering ...... will
it hit ,will it not ....will it hit ,will
it from the famous DARR sequence. Usually it is tough walk, where
every driver thinks he is in the Budd circuit and a Micheal Schumacher behinds the wheels.
The problem becomes more acute in the absence of a traffic signal
and the huge array of vehicles which seems to be growing like the current
account deficit .The inconvenience is not only for the senior citizens but also
the students like me as it takes more than a few minutes to cross them.
There needs to be a more secure road travel,with access to hospitals,a helpline no. ,broader and separate lanes for vehicles for the people in general ,so that trips
of recreation does not change into a death trap.
A few foot overbridges at certain places would be a welcome relieve to a lot of people
and would go a long way in reducing a lot of stress while crossing roads thereby also
reducing the no. of deaths,and preventing injuries.