Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Education is business

Education has become a business. The fees for an MBBS degree and engineering have increased manifolds that it has become a distant dream for the common man .Now a common man can only hope to become an engineer or a doctor.

The talent and merit has given way to money and power. The minority quotas introduced are being sold to the highest bidder. Only people with money can dream to be a doctor or an engineer

The government and judiciary has to intervene in order to make education affordable to meritorious students. There is a realistic possibility that ,becoming doctors, will be a distant dream for meritorious students.

In turn these students who pass out, charge exorbitant charges as doctors increasing the healthcare costs.

Education and healthcare should not become a business it should be a social endeviour.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

To Serve:The highest ideal

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it,
live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, 
be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. 
This is the way to success.-Swami Vivekananda

India’s sole lies in its villages and if the villages are destroyed ,
the nation decays,its culture and its vibrancy is lost.

If the nation has to prosper, its villages have to be preserved.
If the villages are self reliant, the culture retains and the nation 
prospers and there is happiness around.

The major source of  livelihood for the villages is agriculture.
And the failure of one crop often leads to starvation and 
farmer suicides.Many villages still do not have access to 
clean drinking water and electricity. The picture of healthcare 
and sanitation is also glim.The infant mortality rate is very alarming.

These villages need to be preserved in its entirety. They have 
to be made self sufficient in all respects such that there is no 
need for migration of people from villages to cities.Only then 
can the nation retain its essence and prosper.

There has to be a doctor in each village,villages need to have 
access to clean drinking water and toilets.Villages need to be 
skilled in alternate professions like sewing ,carpentry,pumbing,
construction so that lack of rainfall or crop failure do not rob 
them of their livelihood.

Shree Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, an epitome of experience 
and embodiment of compassion, though her project Amrita Serve
 is trying to build gaps in 101 villages all over India .Amrita Serve 
has adopted these villages with the aim to make each of them self
reliant.There have been committees of villagers made consisting of
women as well as youth in order to propel the activities,be it
skill transfer or solar powered electricity.

The project also provides students of Amrita and volunteers 
with an opportunity to serve in turn bridging the gaps and 
also leading to effective innovations.

The mission of the project is to preserve the essence of India 
by making villages self reliant by empowering the villagers