Moral authority is
never retained by any attempt to hold on to it. It comes without seeking and is
retained without effort -Mahatma Gandhi
It is sad that Barak Obama,a world leader, a Nobel laureates
has chosen to take a stand of legalising
gay marriages.
Its sad, he has stopped to the level of ordinary politicians,
making policies for political gains.
Statistics show one in six in the Obama campaign is funded
by a gay, that means if he choses to take a stand against he would lose the
elections.But then Obama is looked up to as a world leader and not an ordinary person and leaders are supposed to
set a path or give a direction to the world. I wont be surprised , that after this many more countries would follow suit.
The words of the great Martin Luther King come to my mind -
“I am not interested
in power for power's sake, but I'm interested in power that is moral, that is
right and that is good. If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover
those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that
all reality has spiritual control.”
Interesting has been the views of Santorum the republican
candidate who withdrew against Mitt Romney. He has stated his stance that
marriages are for procreation and should be between only one man and one women
not with the same sex.I agree completely with Mr. Santorum and even find justification
in the scriptures that state the purpose
of marriage as procreation .
Osho had stated boredom as a reason for people getting into homosexual
tendencies. People getting bored with their opposite sexes.
North Carolina voters have passes a constitutional amendment banning gay marriages.
Something which is
against nature cannot be promoted or propagated, hence the argument that
gay marriages should be legalised does not find any basis,as it is not in tune
with nature.
I stand to say that I acknowledge the gay community but I would
be against propagating or promoting it.So when somebody legalises gay marriages
he or she is promoting something not in tune with nature.The alarming risk
posed by such a stand in the next decade would be ‘procreation’ and having a
dead world.
Coming back to India, the gay activists who fight for the
rights of gays & transgenders is also interesting.Indian government has
shown flipflop in its policy on gay rights in Supreme Court of India.
Specifically the issue of rights of transgender (don’t see
how gays have any less rights than i have).
Yes there is social apartheid with these transgender hence
they get pushed into unwanted activities which does give rise to serious diseases,but
does that qualify for reservations for them in jobs or educational institutions.
I am strongly for jobs for them, since they are physically stronger they could
get absorbed into physically laborious work, this could be the first step to
move them out of their inertia., though I am against any sort of reservations.
On a lighter note, somebody asked if we would need separate
bathrooms for transgender with the board as Trans,I said no we could create
more restrooms for women.