Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Importance Of Vision

Vision elevates a nation

So what is a vision.

It’s like a jigsaw puzzle to be solved if one does not know what is the final image to be made how do we solve it.

Its like a map of india being cut to small parts and asking the children to solve it, unless you show them the image  of India ,how are they likely to complete the image.

All should try to make a map of India otherwise there will be many maps that will be created.
This is the importance of a vision, everyone working towards a common goal assisting each other where each gets an opportunity to perform to his or her optimum potential.

When a director makes a movie he has a vision about the product to be able to tell his actors about what he expects from them so that he will make a product to his satisfaction and optimum utilization of all actors, onscreen and also off-screen.

Similarly when a leader has a vision the nation prospers with the actors in it being told what needs to be done and utilizing their optimum potential.
It has been the presence of visionaries like Vikram Sarabhai in space research and Varghese Kurien in the WHITE revolution that India has seen tremendous progress in these areas.

In the absence of a vision it is like trying to do a mechanic’s job or having a child without knowing how to bring it up.

The vision for a nation usually consists of economic and spiritual properity.One without the each very harmful and the soul or the Mooladhar has to be the human resources.It also provides a framework around which would should function.

Upliftment of a nation happens only through empowerment of its people.

A vision cannot be building of skyscrapers, , it has to be keeping in mind the of properity to the people and taking care of their basic essential needs like education with values(hiring of good quality teachers and regular training with latest technologies and affordabilty) ,healthcare(affordability to all sections and uncorrupt doctors and hospitals with proper monitering of malpractises )and infratructure(water,electritcity and transportation),creation of employment opportunities by having good entrepreneurial spirit and empowerment of women.

A vision cannot be artificial,of Mumbai to shanghai;because Mumbai has to be Mumbai: it has to be real, achievable in a time bound manner. A vision helps the actors in it to be optimally utilized and prosperity ensured.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Sovereign,Socialist,Secular,Democratic,Republic OR Political Gunsmanship

"It is rare to be born as a human being,
It is still rarer to be born without any deformity.
Even if you are born without any deformity,
It is rare to acquire knowledge and education.
Even if one could acquire knowledge and education,
It is still rare to offer service to the mankind and contemplate on the higher self.
If one leads such a selfless divine life,
The gates of heaven open to greet such an evolved soul"

Are we living In a democracy?
Recently we did have an exodus of people moving from banglore and Mumbai back to NE eastern states.
We are told they did not feel safe and we did have thousands of people living in the major cities travelling back overnight. Did you have the same feeling anytime on your own.

I am told the same scenes happened in the 1970’s when the south Indians living in Mumbai and more recently with the bihari’s and baiyass living in Mumbai.

Leave the normal citizens aside event he stars like Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh khan had to face the brunt of the so called political class. When these stars themselves had to face the brunt forget the common man.

The issue with Amitabh I am told was him praising the Allahabad and Shah was about having pakistani players in his team. These people had to face the brunt of the political class by violence to the man on streets and also tearing away of the posters of their films .But more importantly creating a fear cykosis in the people themselves.

Are we a guinune democracy if we are not able to speak out issues touching our heart?
I am told that the freedom of speech also states that we are not supposed to  hurt the sentiments of the people, which are grossly misused by these politicians. I am sure that neither shah rukh nor amitabh bachchan were hurting the sentiments of the people.

So are we still a republic which functions on the whims and fancies of these netas who use political gunmanship. They do have the right to respond by saying they do not agree with the person.Also at these points in time none of the so called other progressive  democratic parties have condemned the incidents by their contemporaries or supported the victims plight.

Are these qualities of a vibrant democracy or a so called timid neta raj ?.

Though coming back to the N-E the response from the parliament has been in Union and has been categoric  and quick ‘That people from any part of India can live anywhere’.

A wise person  has said life is about serving not gunning them down.

Friday, 3 August 2012


Roger  Federer  Swiss national , World no 1,a global icon and  Argentinean  Juan Martin Del Potro played a marathon match of Olympics yesterday, the longest ever . I am told when the match began the lokpal bill got drafted and by the time the match ended the lokpal  bill got passed .

The scores 3-5,7-6,19-17 for over four hours and 20 minutes.

Roger Federer , Lional Messi and Adam Gilchrist what do these people have in comman.
They are all winners, champions.

And so what separates them from the very hardworking non medallists.

Whenever they enter the court the ground they believe that the place  belongs to them. They feel that every shot they  hit will fetch a goal and every serve will be an ace.They know that they are to win ,and their calmness reflects that,for all 365 days of an year.Whoever the opponent they know they are to win every match .

And is it over exuberance of a teenager ,no it is not is a consistent preparation and perseverance over a long period of time that makes them feel winners whatever the podium,the Olympics or the world cup.

And do they have it very easy, they do make it look very simple be it a Lional Messi  dodging all the defenders or Adam Gilchrist hitting all over the park.

No it not that easy ,even the world no 1 failed to win a French open till a long time,and his words reflected “ I have enough motivation left in me so that i can come back here and win the title again ” when he lost the semis  and he won the next year showed his perseverance and hunger to fight for every point and win.

Spare a thought for the Juan Martin del potro ,did he lose ,no he made a champion work for every point ,that is what champions do.