So what is education?
Is it about the 95% percentile in your exams?
Is it about having 85% attendance?
Is it about standing ALL INDIA RANK under 100?
Is it about staying grounded always?
Is it about leadership?
Is it about teamwork?
Is it about honesty?
Is it about following ethics in our professions like medicine and media ?
Should it not be about consciousness, compassion and courage?
Should it not be about having clarity, curiosity and courtesy?
Should it not be about having a learning attitude always?
Should education not encourage serving others?
Should it not encourage taking risks and bold decisions to
make a change for a better world?
Teachers are the fundamental backbone of the society and
have to lead by example. The importance of teaching things by doing them is
absolutely priceless.
The students need to be shown that the teachers are not about students having the highest grades, but much more than that ,that will
shape the destiny of the child’s future.
The irrelevance and relevance of the marks and other essential
qualities need to be stressed will shape their destiny.
The importance from marks needs to be shifted to more
important qualities of humility and having a serving attitude.
Things are better learnt by setting an example. Hence the
importance of project works and educational tours and trips.
Vivekananda said
1 Education is the manifestation of the perfection
already in Man.
2 Religion is the manifestation of the divinity
already in Man.
I am told education should be divided into two,
1.Formal -That will fetch jobs .
2.Spiritual -That will help us face challenges head on.
I beg to disagree, we just need few great teachers.
What is most important aspect that will take you forward ?
Is it talent?
Is it money?
Is it power?
Is it contacts?
Is it hard work?
Is it honesty?
Is it staying grounded?
Is it patience?
Is it being focussed?