Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Misplaced Compassion

Righteousness is the truth within.

Today we are in danger of falling prey to misplaced compassion. Like pleading for the case of Afzal Guru,by some prominent people like P.Chidambaram and a few JNU students.

Also the recent case of Burhan Wani ,being projected as a martyr by some media channels.
I believe totally in the word compassion in both letter and spirit, but shouldn’t we be careful of misplaced compassion. Burhan Wani being treated as  a Hero is pretty unfortunate.

Shouldn’t we  exercise compassion towards our innocent people who have lost life’s because of Burhan and Afzal Guru.Shouldn’t the people killed by these terrorist deserve more respect , thought and prayers.

Shouldn’t the country be righteous towards these innocent citizens whose near and dear ones have been lost.

Shouldn’t the media and the people think a little about the innocent people who have faced the brunt of theses hardcore militants. Also in the cases of some famous film personalities the media does exercise false compassion thus influencing a major chunk of people instead of sticking to the truth and being righteous towards the innocent people who have been affected by them.

Today in the name of compassion we are pardoning hardcore terrorists, (the media projects them as matyrs) we are showing compassion towards them and being absolutely heartless towards the innocent people who were killed by them. Thousands of pages of print media , plenty of prime time has been devoted to these fundamentalists but not a single ounce for my innocent citizens.Are they not our citizens?

Many army men,many paramilitary jawans have lost their lifes doing their duty.There children and mothers  have not done any sin,do they not have any expectations from my country and its people.

Don’t they deserve better. Is law not same to all. Give it a thought.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

India and its Ideals

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥


Lead me from falsehood to truth,
Lead me from darkness lead me to light,
Lead me from death to the immortality
Om Peace,Peace,Peace.

India -A land from where spirituality and philosophy have again and again rushed out and deluged the world.A land of the greatest sages from where wisdom originated and spread its wings.

The land with the mighty snowcapped Himalayas at the top and rivers roaring like the oceans. The ideal of India is based on the ages of tapasya and sadhana of its Sages ,Rishis and Mahatma’s-their Renunciation ,not based on its filmstars,cricketors,or politicians.India has been blessed with numerous gems over a period of time-like Lord Krishna,Buddha,Shankara, Chaitanya,Ramakrishna Paramhamsa,Ramana Maharshi and Mata Amritanandamayi Devi to name a few.

Religion is instilled in the blood and veins of every Indian.And their religion is not about fanatism or convertions,their ideal of religion is based on –“Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu” meaning everyone in this world be happy and prosperous.

Indian history also practically validates this argument ,that India has never attacked any other country-it has never believed in the use of force  to get more land or show supremacy though it is the same India which has withstood the shock of centuries,of hundreds of foriegn invasions.It is the same land which stands firmer than any rock in the world with its undying vigour and indestructible life.

Women form a soul in this holy land.Matrudevo bhava –meaning be one for whom the Mother is God.Every women is looked upon as mothers ,there is no question of lust or any carnal desire- that is the ideal of this ancient land unlike the west where women are observed a mere objects for sensory satisfaction.The highest ideal of a wife is purity and being chaste unlike the west.

Here it is very interesting to note that the western media ,asks India to take care of its women-to a country that taught the world how to look upon its women.

In India ,women is the embodiment of sacrifice, from the time of her birth ,to her family , to her husband and then to her children-she sacrifices.In India if father is the breadwinner, mother is the soul of the family .

Indian culture instill values of Atithidevo bhava meaning be one for whom the guest is god.It has been generous and magnanimous in giving back to the world be it knowledge,spirituality,wisdom,yoga or Ayurveda,or the architecture and design of its temples-it never charges.

The values of Indians are rooted in purity ,compassion and truth.