Friday, 26 May 2017

Mumbai Meri Jaan – Always lending a helping hand.

All they know is that you are trying to get to the city of gold and that is enough. Come on board, they say.We will adjust.-Suketu Mehta

Mumbai is correctly described as a city of dreams and a city that never sleeps.Mumbai’s vast expansiveness, the magnanimity and generosity with which it accepts all caste ,creed,religion,region rich,poor,educated ,illiterate is simple astounding.Nowhere in the world would so many people with such diversity and cultural differences coexist and live together in harmony. Mumbai embraces people wholeheartedly who are ready to work hard and honest to their consciousness.

Mumbai exemplary behavior is best symbolized by its suburban local trains.It runs at the same pace,it runs at the same times, it is crowded as ever yet a person wanting to reach a destination is lend a helping hand,even if it is an overcrowded 6:00 pm local from Dadar to Kalyan.

It makes space for each one even when there is absolutely no space.It accepts all irrespective of he being an Obama’s son,or a small roadside vada pav vendor.It treats everyone with respect whether he is from Harvard or from a local Kendriya Vidyalaya.It distinguishes no one whether he is a Malayali,Punjabi,a Christian or a Sikh.

It accommodates people from all walks of life housewife’s, senior citizens, working professionals,business tycoons, politicians,cricketers,filmmakers and journalists.

It is the single most unifying factor maybe even bigger then cricket.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Hellish World

Those that have an attitude of service towards others are the beauty of society. - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Everyone here comes and recites ”Amma Amma Amma”
Some glossy,some through heartfelt devotion.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

Many smile, some from within,many a plastic
Some cry instantaneously in her arms,relieving their burden.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.
Few sensible,innumerable fools 
Some with deep pain,some artificial
some fake tears, all find a way in.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

Some come in search of happiness,some to bury their sorrow.
Few are compassionate here,many egoistic.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

Some praise,some hurl abuses,some shed tears,some smile
Many are selfless,few selfish.
Though the mantra here seems to be DONATIONS, DONATIONS and more DONATIONS.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

She consoles each one,
whether rich or poor,
knowledgable or ignorant,
whether selfish or selfless
with same ounce of love and compassion.

For her,each one is her devotee ,her child.