Saturday, 6 May 2023

Work From Home

From afar, we admire talent. Up close, what counts most is character.
You can impress people with your skills, but you earn their trust by standing for something greater than yourself. There is no higher achievement than treating others kindly and living with integrity.-Adam Grant

Though I am great proponent of work from home, as it saves time ,energy and reckless travelling in the traffic or trains. It also helps to environment safety as it saves consumption of Fuel.

But I believe we would be belieing ourselves if we got to believe that WFH would become a way of life.

As Sam Altman from Open AI puts it

“I think definitely one of the tech industry’s worst mistakes in a long time was that everybody could go full remote forever, and startups didn’t need to be together in person and, you know, there was going to be no loss of creativity,”

“I would say that the experiment on that is over, and the technology is not yet good enough that people can be full remote forever, particularly on startups.”

I believe a company becomes an institution when it incorporates a culture and innovation. I am very clear WFH will dampen team spirit, innovation and culture would be non-existent.

Some may argue that the management should be only bothered about deliverables and not about where the company works from. I would have believed it 15 years ago, but today I believe every performer goes through a lean patch or some may not be a star performer but an essential part in the team which would go unnoticed in case we continue to WFH permanently.

If a startup believes its revenue will grow exponentially with a few talented individuals working from home, believe it at your own peril. In the short run it may seem the upright with a few quarterly results. But in the long run it will prove to be their ruin.

Saying this I believe that ,WFH should definitely be an option for expecting mothers or sick and unwell employees. Also in times of heavy rains or transport breakdowns it will be a good option.