Friday, 19 April 2013

Rivers of my Nation

    Boundaries don't protect rivers, people do. -Brad Arrowsmith

Why is GANGA is so important?

What is the significance of a river?

Why should we clean up the Ganga?

A river is a natural resource which other than acting as a reservoir of clean water and a natural habitat for many species acts as a storehouse of  enthusiasm for the people around and across.

A flowing river is clean as it purifies itself and supplies the people with energy and exuberance.
The energy and exuberance provided by a river is thousand times more useful than any amount of money.

A river provides the lifeline for a population by not only giving water and livelihood for farmers and fisherman,
It has also sparked lots of poets and creative writers.Hence a river is a store of newer,brighter ideas and dreams .Such people with their energy and enthusiasm act as a national resource and bring prosperity to the nation.

In the meantime an unclean, dirty and still river results in a gloomy environment, dull and lethargic people without any tinge of excitement .They act as a liability to the nation.

Many wars have been fought over temples and boundaries. There has been lot of money spent on the cleaning of the rivers,lets fight a war to reclaim the lost rivers of our nation.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Woman Empowerment

  The progress of a nation is determined by the state of its women.

It’s mid April and I am thinking of what to write on,  should I write on IPL  6, or MK Narayanan’s speech at Presidency college or closer still, about the Ugli dams or about my recent addition of Carte Blanche,a blog that I added to read. But then I decide to write on my favourite topic  Women.

So what do women bring into the table?
Women are more tolerant, they are known to coordinate well, and they to bring in compassion into the table. Over the years women have dominated  the roll of homemaker,HR Managers and teachers to perfection.

Women are known to be emotional whereas the male counterparts are more dispassionate.

What are the odds that women face?
·         Infant mortality rate in girls is one of the highest  for no fault of hers.
·         Education of girl a still a fortune in many areas and not a right.
·         Dowry deaths and domestic violence is still rampant in many parts of the country and  goes unnoticed.
·         And then the society at large that is witness to crimes in the form of rapes and molestation by a few criminal elements.

Yes a sense of security has to be provided by the father, husband and son at home and at the state by the police and the judiciary by prompt delivery of justice.

My attention is drawn to Sushma Swaraj speech on women at NDTV Indian of the year awards.As she puts in  women empowerment happens in the following  ways:-

3.Financial Independence
4.Politicial activisim.

A quote from the Bhagavat Gita comes to my mind

adharmabhibhavat krsna pradusyanti kula-striyah
Strisu dustasu varsneya jayate varna-sankarah”-Bhagavat Gita -1.40

Meaning if irreligion is dominant in the family ,O Krishna,the women of the  family becomes polluted ,and from the degradation of womanhood descendant  of Vrsni,comes unwanted progeny.

Education should have an aspect that instills a spirit of service and devotion in a women ,will give rise to a population with lustre and that which is very genuine. Education should also impart , skill necessary for financial independence thereby empowering them.