Friday 19 April 2013

Rivers of my Nation

    Boundaries don't protect rivers, people do. -Brad Arrowsmith

Why is GANGA is so important?

What is the significance of a river?

Why should we clean up the Ganga?

A river is a natural resource which other than acting as a reservoir of clean water and a natural habitat for many species acts as a storehouse of  enthusiasm for the people around and across.

A flowing river is clean as it purifies itself and supplies the people with energy and exuberance.
The energy and exuberance provided by a river is thousand times more useful than any amount of money.

A river provides the lifeline for a population by not only giving water and livelihood for farmers and fisherman,
It has also sparked lots of poets and creative writers.Hence a river is a store of newer,brighter ideas and dreams .Such people with their energy and enthusiasm act as a national resource and bring prosperity to the nation.

In the meantime an unclean, dirty and still river results in a gloomy environment, dull and lethargic people without any tinge of excitement .They act as a liability to the nation.

Many wars have been fought over temples and boundaries. There has been lot of money spent on the cleaning of the rivers,lets fight a war to reclaim the lost rivers of our nation.

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