Sunday 3 August 2014

Amazing and effective Journalism by Sreenivasan Jain

The truth is like a lion.You don't have to defend it.Let it loose.It will defend itself.

In this era of fast and breaking news Sreenivasan Jain seems to have mastered the art of immaculate and spectacular journalism.

His recent reporting from the Gaza strip about the Israel and the Palestine confict has been simply amazing.

The interview of a 10 year old Mohammad from Al-Shifha hospital in Gaza ,appealing to the world for the right to live peacefully and with freedom like every other child in the world has been simply moving.

The element of truth has been brought out.The question of how many Israelis have been killed ,have been unanswered,whereas the Israelis seems to have targeted innocent children ,women and civilians in large nos.

The theory that Hamas having superior weapons has also been drowned,with it having home made weapons to defend itself whereas the Israelis having high end weapons to attack pointed targets.

This type of true journalism deserves all the accolades and appreciation in this age of hype and breaking news.

In this age of media sensationalism where truth has faded,hype has taken over true journalism,this seems to bring a breadth of fresh air.

Hope this sets the trend for other news channels and journalists to follow.

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