Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Rural BPO's for poverty alleviation

Are rural BPO’s the next big thing in India?
Are they an answer to poverty alleviation in India?
Would they be a drop in the ocean for eliminating farmer suicides?
The answer is yes.

Farmer suicides have been due to crop failure ,i am sure to prevent such suicides there needs to be alternate form of livelihood for these farmers ,and for that skill need to be imparted atleast to 1 member of the family so that any untoward suitation can be prevented.

So there is a need of skill development & training at these places.

There was a school of thought which told me that famer should be absorbed in agriculture itself,but i am at this point not able to find an alternative ,in the failure of the crop ,the raw material itself not available,how can a farmer get absorbed into any, agro processing industry.
There definitely  can be some mobile vocational training given like sewing ,fabric painting etc.

Now will these rural BPO’s be able to tap into these so called layman?.

Would the client be excited about such a business model?

 Would these be able to sustain themselves leave alone make profits?

And most importantly where to find a passionate and dedicated team for this venture?

Do these places have electricity and connectivity? Can rural BPO’s bring these to these places?

The answer is YES, HarVa and Desicrew  has done it.

Will it close down the urban BPO's.?

We respond by saying  we are not walmart we are just small retailers.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

An eagles flight

I look into the morning sky I see the eagle flaps its wings in a rhythm, to take long smooth flight ,and it glides past the trees and skyscrapers ,rounds about its prey  and into the forests.

I watch in total amazment ,wanting  to emulate  the eagle ,flying effortlessly,high above the sky.

The crow tries to copy the eagle,trying to look similar,pretending to glide,pretending to flap its wings,but its throws up flat being caught as a minature crow.I say why do you copy, be yourself.

Something similar to sachin playing a cover drive,the elbow in proper position,the front foot forward and bat straight and perfect follow through.
Many again many try to copy unsucessfully,I again say,he is the master you only a shadow,be yourself.

or yesudas singing a melody like “radha tan premathodanao,nyan padanthe gita thodano Krishna
Pagal pole ninde uthram spashtam.”

The eagle  comes back to sit on a branch , flapping its wings in complete rhythm ,it flies again abosolutely effortlessly.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Newton’s law:Every action without a gun has an equal and an opposite reaction

Every morning I wake upto the noise of my parents fighting with each other,today morning also I was woken up by some noises,outside,I thought they may be squabbling over who would go to the bathroom first. But ,to my surpise I couldn’t hide my joy that the noise was from my neighbour’s house.and i thought my home had company,for I had always felt that the people in my housing complex were all asleep,just felt good that somebody else too had woken up or had a sudden awakening.The intensity of the fight was soaring and I wondered if it was Newton’s effect:

Somewhere else in the world a sad tragedy had taken place.In Connecticut,newton ,28 people had died been shot at by a gunman in a school. I am sure every action without a gun had an equal and opposite reaction.

Once somebody asked why is the nature so angry,with earthquakes ,volcanoes and other natural calamitites.Somebody answered saying nature is just a response to the human mind.The more the hatred in one’s mind the more such calamities.The larva is in the minds ,some accumulated, some instantaneous.
In recent times there has been an alarming increase in the spate of such attacks.The wars have helped in reducing the tolerance and escalating the hatred, for show of supremacy.The access to guns only makes it easier.

So what is the remedy?
The remedy is love,not fear ,mind it.
The remedy is devotional service,service with devotion,for it makes us expansive and compassionate towards each other. This explains the importance of large no. of temples and ashrams in place of jails and mental asylums, which are the places of service and devotion to lord.

And yes by that time my neighbou's squabbles had subsided and there were no casualites.I repeated every action without a gun has an equal and opposite reaction.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Respond Don't React

 Honesty does not always bring a  response of love but is absolutely essential to it.

There was  an infamous episode between south indian superstar Mohanlal and writer Sukumar Azhikode about the removal of actor Tilakkan from AMMA.

Sukumar critizised the move and told mohalal that he was aging and was doing adds just to make money.Mohanlal responded by saying that it an internal matter of AMMA and said sukumar was having mental hallucinations.Sukumar filled a defamation case against mohanlal which later was withdrawn.

The way of disapproval was very  unhealthy and without intellectual merit.

Sukumar himself told that they should point the mistake in his works (sukumar has writer various books) or write a better  book than his.

The aspect which i am trying to highlight  is when we encounter situations where something is said against us, we need to response appropriately rather  than react using violence or putting up court cases. 

It also does not state that we should keep quit .

There a famous story in which the king wanting to test Kungan nambair gives him stale food. He eats the food without complaining ,in the meantime he notices the cow dropping its dung,kungan nambiar says is the cow also being feed from the king kitchen.

This was just one of the citations of  a thoughtful response.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


Everyday I hear farmers commiting suicide
Each time I hear, I wonder why ?

Is it the drought?
Is it the unpaid loans?
Is it the scruples moneylenders?
Is it the hunger?
Is the esteem?
Is it the pride?  I wonder...

I am sure there is a solution for all...

Is it the loans that the government waives of at each election
And other times they are left to fend for themselves.

Some places I see lots of grains,lying,unutilised,rotting
Can’t they be distributed ,I wonder.
They say they don’t have cold storages,
As if cold storages have to be brought form Mars.

And every time government forms committee after committee
And report after reports
But still farmers go  on a suicide spree.
Sometimes the government prods itself saying ,
This year the no. of deaths are less than the last year
But isn’t a single death shameful.

Should I helplessly watch ,I wonder
Shall I tell them  STOP,DON’T,PLEASE
There is a solution for everything.
Can I give them an ounce of hope,I wonder?
Will they listen to my words,I wonder?
Will they understand and respond to my words,I wonder?

Can I bring back some happiness and smiles,I wonder...?
Can I empower them to a respectable and healthy life,I wonder...?

Thursday, 6 December 2012

My Lifeline:Trains

The chaos of the trains,
the excitement of getting in
Or of  getting out that excites one  I wonder
The people all ready, some going westward, some eastward
All going some “ward.
Some getting down  from the train
Some wanting to get in
Some at the roofs ,
Some at the doors
All having a destination to go
The train accommodates them all without any complains
You are witness to some callings everyday ,everytime
Everyone is a hero here ,some local ranjikants
Who  stand at the doors and rooftops and show their stunts
And I must say they make you scary , at times a loud squeal escapes you
But must say they give even Bollywood a run for its money.
Whether it is the mornings,
the energetic faces fresh after a night’s sleep looking forward to their today
Or the evenings  where the faces show no emotion, tired and wanting to retire.
All trying to make ends meet, some ticketless, some with them
One one thing is common they all take THE TRAIN.

Saturday, 1 December 2012


                     gatasun agatasums ca nanusocanti panditah
                 The wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead

Once an accused of a murder was produced before the court ,
He was asked to take an oath
“Gita paar hath rak kar kaho
 Jo bhi kahoge sach kahoge
sach ke siva kuch nahi kahoge”

The accused did as told and said “jo bhi kahuanga bhagwat gita ko hi kahunga , aur kuch nahi kahunga”

The court proceeding began and the judge asked the accused if he had something to say,
The accused did speak up and said ,Sir

vedavinasinam nityam ya enam ajam avyayam
katham sa purusah partha kam ghatayati hanta kam”
“vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
 navani grhnati naro parani
tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany
anyani samyati navani dehi

--Meaning how can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible ,eternal,unborn  and immutable kill anyone or cause anyone to kill?
As a person puts on new garments ,giving up old ones ,the soul similarly accepts new material bodies,giving up the old and unused ones.

Atha cet tvam imam dharmyam sangramam na karisyasi
tatah sva-dharmam kirtam ca hitva papam avapsyasi”
“sukha-dukha same krtva labhalabhau jayajayau
tato yuuddhaya yujyasva naivam papam avapsyasi

--Meaning if you do not perform your duty to fight ,then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting you duty.
But thou if you fight for the sake of fighting ,without considering happiness or distress ,you shall never incur sin.

The judge seemed least amused and directed the people to take his oath by the bible. The judge pronounced him guilty of killing and sentenced him to life imprisonment .And thus  he was crucified.

We all have our recreational activities ,some people love to dance maybe there are various forms like the Bharatnatiyam ,kathakali and  western forms like Salsa and ballroom dancing.drama,movies ,cricket etc.
I also am pretty found of salsa though  usually restrict myself to my home reading.writing and listening.

I am sure between all our recreational activities we can find sometime to inculcate a serving  attitude among ourselves.
So children lets tell our parents to inculcate a serving attitude in our grandparents, till then we can sit in our A/C rooms and play playstation 2 and counter strike.