Friday 14 December 2012

Newton’s law:Every action without a gun has an equal and an opposite reaction

Every morning I wake upto the noise of my parents fighting with each other,today morning also I was woken up by some noises,outside,I thought they may be squabbling over who would go to the bathroom first. But ,to my surpise I couldn’t hide my joy that the noise was from my neighbour’s house.and i thought my home had company,for I had always felt that the people in my housing complex were all asleep,just felt good that somebody else too had woken up or had a sudden awakening.The intensity of the fight was soaring and I wondered if it was Newton’s effect:

Somewhere else in the world a sad tragedy had taken place.In Connecticut,newton ,28 people had died been shot at by a gunman in a school. I am sure every action without a gun had an equal and opposite reaction.

Once somebody asked why is the nature so angry,with earthquakes ,volcanoes and other natural calamitites.Somebody answered saying nature is just a response to the human mind.The more the hatred in one’s mind the more such calamities.The larva is in the minds ,some accumulated, some instantaneous.
In recent times there has been an alarming increase in the spate of such attacks.The wars have helped in reducing the tolerance and escalating the hatred, for show of supremacy.The access to guns only makes it easier.

So what is the remedy?
The remedy is love,not fear ,mind it.
The remedy is devotional service,service with devotion,for it makes us expansive and compassionate towards each other. This explains the importance of large no. of temples and ashrams in place of jails and mental asylums, which are the places of service and devotion to lord.

And yes by that time my neighbou's squabbles had subsided and there were no casualites.I repeated every action without a gun has an equal and opposite reaction.