Friday, 1 December 2017

Padmavati Row

Faith its degeneration when alone — bigotry
fanaticism — sectarianism. Narrowing
finite therefore cannot get to the infinite
Sometimes gain in intensity but loses in
extensity — and in bigots & fanatics become
worship of his own pride & vanity                                         
                                                          - Swami Vivekananda


A lot has been said and written in the recent past about the film Padmavati.

The Indian Film Industry makes a lot of cinema,thousands of which are absolutely crap,junk movies and mind you they make lots of crores.

In this situation where good stories are hard to come by,where there is a dearth of good content for making films,I believe historical stories,inspirations,influences have become more of a necessity rather than just being welcome.

Being a huge film enthusiast I wait patiently for months and sometimes years to watch a good movie or cinema.

Getting back specifically to Padmavati,there is a lot of talk on getting historical facts right,I believe flimmakers are not in the business of writing history textbooks,they make films and they make it for an audience.

The script or story of the film,is completely the filmmakers story,it is his interpretation, his understanding of the subject and let me add I believe he has the complete freedom to express his understanding of the topic.

There have been various instances in our history were people have given there own interpretations to many historical epics. Eg: MT Vasudevan Nair ‘s Randamoozham is a story of Mahabharata from Bhima’s Point of view. Also there are many interpretations and variations of classic Indian epic Ramayanam by absolutely amazing Indian authors like Valmiki Ramayanam, Adhyatma Ramayanam by Ved Vyasa,Ramacharitmanas by Tulisidas,Thunchaththu Ezuthachan’s Adhyatma Ramayanam – Kilipattu and Kamba Ramayanam to name a few.

I believe the filmmaker also has the right to be wrong.He is not in the business of making a curriculum for school students.People have the complete freedom to disagree with his view of Padmavati.

If Shri Rajput Karni Sena or Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur or anybody else feel that the filmmaker has got his history wrong on Padmavati,I am sure that Shri Rajput Karni Sena or Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur can most certainly make a better film with the correct historical facts.

As an audience I am happy watching a better movie.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Reasons For Failure of Startups In the Indian Ecosystem

Entrepreneurs are modern day monks : Doing More With Less 

Internal factors:
  •  Mental attachment of the founders towards the project creates a problem.Research discovered that attributes such as passion, vision and determination more often lead to failure than success.When entrepreneurs invest countless work hours,money and reputation into their project ,passion and determination can easily become dogmatism. Falling in love with one’s product and ignoring honest customer feedback is the reason why most startups fail.There should be a beneficial balance between being confident about what you know and while at the same time distrusting your knowledge enough to stay eager to learn more.

Personality of the founders:
"Nearly every mistake I have made is picking the wrong people, not the wrong idea."-Arthur rock
  •   Therefore,choosing co-founders or hiring employees for a small firm should ideally focus on both work skills and personal traits. In terms of education,a heterogenous team with different backgrounds would be preferred over a team of members with the same background.

Timing of Realization

42% of the failure of startup’s were accorded to time.Ex:,You Tube.

  • Being the `first mover' can give entrepreneurs a decisive advantage. On the other hand, it is risky and not always favorable to be early in a new market niche (Grant/Sandberg 2016: 26).There is no value in being the first when someone else is a stronger competitor. Sometimes it is even more profitable to be the `last mover', learning from others' mistakes and making the latest great development in one particular market. 
  • While early entrants still have the opportunity to choose their preferred niche. Latecomers may have to leave an overcrowded market. 
  • Big companies as well as small startups ventures large amounts of money in emerging technologies.When deciding on path breaking technologies it is worth looking at the “Hype curve”.
  • The value of understanding how this cycle works, is to sharpen the consciousness regarding the right timing. It is also vital to know, that certain technologies could make a sudden comeback after a phase of low public attention.

External factors and the startup ecosystem
  • Most recent startup companies focus on technology and at the same time neglect the importance of human talent.
  • A large random sample of startup companies in the UK showed the correlation between success and financial capital to be "spurious"; human capital on the other hand is the real determinant for the startup's survival.
  •  “Premature scaling” is a phenomenon among startup businesses ,they seem to do everything right,but they fail because they move into unknown territory.They are expanding long before they know what their customers want and how they can be reached.
  •  The creation of entrepreneurial communities leads to an increased number of founders and individuals engaging in startup companies, universities and other educational institutions organize mentor programs, where real-life entrepreneurs engage as role models and provide helpful insights to students.
  • So-called "clusters of innovation" (COI), such as Silicon Valley, are exceptional in terms of collective capital, talent and expertise, with numerous businesses and experts that support and accelerate innovative development (Engel 2015: 37). This kind of resourceful and success-driven ecosystem consists of many components, which act interdependently and create a prosperous startup landscape when combined.
  • Universities efficiently build a connection between entrepreneurs and corporations through the commercialization of research. One of the leading examples is Stanford Research Park, in which more than 150 companies settled down, including Hewlett-Packard,Ford and Tesla
  • A key component for an ideal COI is easy access to capital. Therefore, the support of Venture Capital firms and investors is a necessity, especially for innovative startups in need for early stage investments. Sometimes financial institutions and Government initiatives or policies can also help to improve the situation.
  • The more startup companies come to life, the more will employees inside the COI adapt to specific demands. Professions such as accountants, lawyers or investment bankers will provide their services and in many cases even offer flexible payments, e.g. a small stake in the company instead of a salary. This in turn increases the involvement of experienced professionals with startups and creates the common goal of the venture's success.
Ways for Funding

Bank Loans:
  • Since banks rather provide money to someone who will securely pay it back in time and with interest, instead of granting loans to those who "really need them" (Prasad 2009: 91), startup companies may only be able to receive capital under tough requirements or with high interest rates.
Family and Friends
  • Family members or friends will usually make the investment decision purely based on their assessment of the entrepreneur they know as a person (Liu 2015: 8). Thus this source of money is often called "family, friends and fools".However, having a personal relationship with an investor can lead to additional challenges and conflicts; accepting capital from family and friends is generally not recommended. 
  • Through one of the ca.2,000 online platforms (Ferriss 2016: 295), such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo, crowdfunding is an effective alternative to traditional investment sources. 
  • Apart from the monetary benefits, crowdfunding is also an excellent way for the startup to evaluate its business idea at virtually no risk. Through direct customer feedback, companies receive valuable information about necessary product improvements, price points, market validation and marketing efficacy .
Government Funding
  • Initiatives of non-profit organizations and governments often provide grants, loans or other financing plans that support the startup landscape in a given region.Government funding programs can have great effects on small businesses.
Business Angels
  • Business Angels are private investors who invest their own money. They normally receive a percentage of equity in return and hope to make a financial profit by selling their shares at the right time in the future
  • In order to reduce this risk, angel investors often get involved in the business venture to a high extent. In some cases this will happen through leadership, mentoring or coaching. Other times it might be through doing operational tasks, changing the organizational structure of the company, or intensive monitoring
Venture Capital
  • Traditional funding sources are too risk averse to invest in a startup, entrepreneurs often turn to venture capital firms (Gompers/Lerner 2001: 145). These firms, depending on the sum of investment, will have a high involvement in the company and therefore be more likely to provide capital even if the venture seems risky.
  • Since they have limited hard information on the company, they often rely on soft information, Including trust towards the founders (Bottazzi et al. 2016: 2315). By assessing observable characteristics (e.g. social behavior of the founders), they are able to draw conclusions about unobservable characteristics (e.g. performance structure of the startup company) and then come to their investment decision (Hoenig/Henkel 2015: 1050). In contrast to common belief, growth is not among the criteria based on which investors select a startup for investment.
  • A VC investor does not only provide funds, he can also be a valuable source of insights and experiences. Investors with greater involvement in the company achieve higher returns on their investment (Ragozzino/Blevins 2016: 1010), which ultimately leads to the venture being more successful. The empirical study of Gompers/Lerner (2001: 165) reveals that venture capital funding correlates positively with innovation and is on average three to four times more efficient in generating patents than traditional corporate R&D.
  •  Startup businesses with venture capital also tend to replace the company's founder with an external CEO. Some VCs, particularly in Silicon Valley, often ask the company to relocate to their area to have more control.
  • Sramana Mitra, serial entrepreneur at Silicon Valley and founder of the global accelerator program One Million by One Million, came to the conclusion that venture capital funding simply is not for everyone. While businesses with enormous growth rates, huge market opportunities and an available market size of billions of dollars may profit from VC, the majority of startups will not.
According to (Mitra/Euchner 2016: 12), this is also the reason why 99% of startups get rejected by venture capital investors.

Startup Incubators and Accelerators
  • Since first-time entrepreneurs and early-stage founders in most cases are not aware of their resource gaps or lack of business knowledge, they will join an incubator most likely because of financial capital and be hesitant to fully engage in the benefits of the incubation process.
  • Startup accelerators work similar to incubators. The main difference is their strict schedule.In comparison to an incubator program, accelerators often give startups the opportunity to redefine their idea and concept.
Personal Funding
  • When hiring employees or co-founders, the lack of capital will rather attract people who are willing to take a risk and believe in your vision for the company. At the same time, bootstrapping means that founders will own the entire business without having to depend on investors.
"The fact is that the amount of money startups raise in their seed and Series A rounds is
inversely correlated with success." (Fred Wilson)
  • For a typical innovative startup, the ideal way of funding would be to start on no budget and solely live on the company's achievements (e.g. customers who pay in advance). As soon as the business model is proven and supported by high growth rates, the acquisition of capital will help to scale the venture (Hahn 2014: 21 and 30). Collecting money prior to the development of a final product may lead to a loss of focus and to a step in the wrong direction. (Stagars 2015: 120).
  • On a spiritual side: As world renowned spiritual leader Mata Amritanandayi Devi says both Ravana and Kubera were wealthy, one’s wealth led to his destruction other to realization.Be a Kubera guys. As she always states "Only a zero can be a hero".
         Usually there is a lot of discussion on wealth creation and money. Is spirituality against money making? Absolutely not! It is only against wealth creation making man egoistic.
Educational Institutions
  • Universities are able to provide tremendous networking and can further synergy opportunities, can establish partnerships to connect science and research with real-life businesses. However, the majority of universities makes no use of their resource potential; they instead try to educate the entrepreneurial community by offering business plan competitions or workshops (Stagars 2015: 6-9). A possible reason for this lacking sense of bringing business and research together might be that universities are too distanced from the market.
  • Universities keep focusing more on the employability of their students than on supporting them in developing business ideas.
  •  One interesting type of partnership between universities and startups is a spin-off, where university research develops a technological innovation and ultimately sets up a company to bring their idea to the market. While being a separate entity, the USO connects business and research resources.
  • Although the attention for university spin-offs has recently increased, financial funding for high-technology business ventures remains an issue.
Complexity of Bureaucracy and Regulations
  • For many potential startup founders, one of the first barriers of entry to the market is bureaucracy hurdles. Regulatory factors can either stimulate or obstruct entrepreneurs to start a new venture.
  • Lack of transparency and overregulation are considered hindering blocks for the entrepreneurs.Therefore, levels of efficiency for bureaucratic procedures can differ by large margins, even within the same country
Potential Customers
  •  One of the very first decisions a startup company has to make is about who to sell their product or service
  •  Customer value propositions have proven themselves to be a useful tool; taking the customer's perspective can offer great insight (Wouters/Kirchberger 2015: 64). Only by truly connecting to customers and creating an interdependency, vendors are able to assess customer problems and needs, which allows them to gain a competitive advantage
  •  Apart from that, it is crucial for startup ventures to possess profound knowledge of their market. For instance, there is a relatively high number of early adopters in the US, which makes it easier for innovative companies to sell a new technology. In a country such as Germany, with most potential customers being risk averse, it is undoubtedly more difficult to bring new ideas to the market.
Productive Infrastructure
  • An investment in infrastructure improves people's connectivity and therefore benefits the startup community.An enhanced connectivity facilitates interaction among entrepreneurs and triggers the flow of ideas and knowledge
  • The rather new but rapidly growing (Muñoz/Cohen 2016: 72) urban entrepreneurship is highly dependent on a developed infrastructure and a sign for a viable startup community.Urban entrepreneurs offer solutions for insufficient provision of governmental services or goods to private citizens or the public. Two of the most famous examples are Uber (providing taxi services) and Airbnb (providing accommodation), both of which aim to improve civic life and the sharing of available resources within a city.
Quality of Life
  • Tim Boyle, CEO of Columbia Sportswear, is one of many business owners from the state of Oregon who decided against moving his company because of the "love of place" factor.
  •  Settling down outside of typical startup hotspots usually means missing out on entrepreneurial community, lifestyle (Baldwin 2014: 5) and opportunities to acquire venture capital (Himmelspach 2009: 17). In exchange, startups in smaller cities have less competition,the cost of doing business is low and they might even be able to receive government funding for the creation of new jobs (Tozzi 2009: 19).
  • As for various entrepreneurs who claim this to be of high importance for their business as well as for themselves, the value of a certain lifestyle or sentimentality towards a specific region has to be considered subjective and therefore depends solely on the founder's character and attitude.
Testimonials from various Startups

Founders should be honest with themselves and not too stubborn.As for Brickspaces, there has not been a month where processes or responsibilities have not changed because they are in a constant process of learning.


When Calumia was founded, the small budget did not allow them to make hasty decisions,
which can also be an advantage.Furthermore, it is a good choice to bring your product to the market early on, see whether people like it or not, and then customize it to one's customers' needs.

For someone interested in building a business around artificial intelligence, he would suggest to take a realistic approach. The media often communicates a misconception of the true capabilities of AI. If a problem cannot be solved manually, checking for small parts of the process to automatize and then going step-by-step would be the best way to find a potentially good business idea.

Even the best team could not produce something successful that customers liked.


Translating terms and conditions from Hungarian to English is quite expensive, whereas originally drafting them in English would have been enough for them to be valid in other European countries.

Miscellaneous Learnings
  • Implementing clear rules and hierarchies can be invaluable in case founders have arguments.Founders have to take legal work and papers seriously and rely on attorneys to codify it.
  • Wishful thinking,is another reason for failure.
  • If a team is not functioning well together,building the product and keep pushing is not going to fix it.
  • It is important to know when to shut down the business.Instead of continuously pushing forward or making more changes,sometimes the better solution is to start over with a new team. When there is to much infighting inside the company ,there is not enough energy left for executing the project.
  • Hiring employees in key positions early on would have been a smart choice for long term planning.At that time the organization was not confident and hired short-term interns.Bringing people on and off the team takes a lot of energy and at the same time causes the business to lose knowledge.Investing time and effort in recruitment can be of high long term value for the company.
  •  Finding a balance between sheer passion and questioning one’s own knowledge seems to be the most promising method.
  •  It is recommended that businesses with multiple potential revenue streams be developed, as it was found that initial reliance on a single major revenue stream could be catastrophic.
  •  In order to shift this perspective, the Indian education system needs to foster imaginative thinking, liberal arts exploration, experiential learning, and empathetic design that brings students closer to societal problems.

References and Citations

1. Which Factors Determine the Success or Failure of Startup Companies? A Startup Ecosystem Analysis of Hungary, Germany and the US

Monday, 24 July 2017

Mithali Raj Rewrites History

10 years later 
Journalist to Kohli: “Who is your favourite female cricketer?”
Kohli retorts back: “How often do you ask this to a female cricketer?”

We have timeless times witnessed the chants of “Sachin…Sachin…Sachin” or “Dhoni...Dhoni…Dhoni”.

This time again there were chants at Lords, the Mecca of cricket, however they were different .It was “Mithali…Mithali…Mithali” all the way.

Mithali Raj, the captain of Indian women’s cricket team lead from the front throughout the world cup,being the highest rungetter.Her captaincy was spot on,making the right bowling changes bringing on Jhulan Goswami when Taylor and Sciver were stitching a threatening partnership for England in the finals.She did show leadership of backing her players when they were out of form unlike some other captain’s in recent times. 

Yes India did lose,and it was heartbreaking,but Mithali Raj’s Team had done their job. They have changed the course of Women’s cricket in India.Women’s cricket will never be the same again.

Mithali Raj,the Arjuna Ranatunga,of Indian cricket may not play in another world cup but she has definitely rewritten history.

I think women’s IPL would add a great proposition to take women’s cricket forward.

And yes the chants like “Mithali…Mithali…Mithali” will grow in the days to come.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Women Empowerment: Myth vs Reality

सत्यम् ब्रूयात् प्रियम् ब्रूयात् न ब्रूयात् सत्यमप्रियम् | 
प्रियम् नानृतं ब्रूयात् एष धर्मः सनातनः ||

satyam bruyat priyam bruyat na bruyat satyam apriyam
priyam ca nanrutam bruyat esha dharmah sanatanah

Speak truth in such a way that it should be pleasing to others. Never speak truth, which is unpleasant to others. Never speak untruth, which might be pleasant. This is the path of eternal morality, sanatana dharma.

Real empowerment happens only by two ways

2.Sense of Service

It is a well considered myth that only working women are more empowered than housewife’s.

A women who takes care of her husband and children with devotion are really more empowered to make correct decisions than a women who may be a chairperson of any organization but works without any devotion.

Real power does not come through authority,it comes through service.
Empowerment as per Hindu religious texts is not gained by holding any authorized position,it happens by sense of service that one offers.

In ancient India, even now in some places,it is the man who occupies the head of the family position and the  women is used to listening to him,this has often been misconstructed as slavery by the western historians who did come to India.Even in this so called bondage of the wife,it was received by her with an unsaid , untold joy and love,though the so called intellectuals of today have called it patriarchical, antiwomen and antisocial.

India has never been antiwomen since ancient ages.
It always respected women.Mathrudevobhava -  Treat your mother as god.This has been well reflected in the religious preaching’s of great saints like Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Sankaracharya.  Though the western culture taught otherwise.

Women need to be treated as children and protected” – this is what the Manusmriti, an ancient Hindu text states.

Today this is often misrepresented as lack of freedom,bondage,slavery by the so called intellectual,modern,westernized,liberal women activists.

P.S.- I am not a Hindu extremist.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Is Artificial Intelligence going to make humans redundant?

Don’t let the noise knock you off course.Don’t get caught up in the trivial aspects of life.Don’t listen to trolls and don’t become one.Measure impact in humanity not in the likes,but the lives you touch and people you serve”-Tim Cook to MIT graduates.

There is a growing thought that AI is going to do things much better, much quicker and more efficient than human beings. This they say would make humans redundant and automation would lead to job losses.

I believe we are losing the big picture and getting lost in the noise or herd mentality. Let’s not worry about job losses, let’s use technology (AI) for solving problems that humans have been unsuccessfully trying to solve.

Remedy for cancer, alzheimer’s, how to eliminate poverty, skill-mapping (skills that would be relevant and useful in 2040).

How to use technology to solve problems facing agriculture,how to prevent farmer suicides,irrigation vows,crop pattern and weather forecasting.

Cost effective solutions to portable water, purify saline water and make clean drinking water available to all. Automation for housing vows.Is 3D printing the answer?

Solving day to day problems like traffic vows, parking issues, and maybe even obesity.

Let’s not get lost in the noise that how many jobs are going to get lost by automation or technology.
Let’s not worry about how technology will make humans redundant
Let’s not worry about news channels and the media speaking of job losses, they speak stupidity, but then that's their job.

Let’s use it to create useful solutions where humans have not found a solution yet.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Anil Kumble - The Legend

619 Test wickets, 337 ODI wickets, 57 Twenty20 wickets
  "That is the way I get most of my wickets. Yeah, it was very special to get there."-Anil Kumble

Anil Kumble was one of the most underrated cricketers of the country during his playing days.When in the team,he was never given his due,compared to a Sachin or a Saurav,especially seeing that he is the highest wicket taker in Indian Test history by a long margin,much more than a Kapil Dev, or a Bishen Singh Bedi. His exploits are no less than that of a maestro Sachin Tendulkar.

Also cricket never got Anil Kumble as the captain of Indian Team,which I believe he richly deserved and would have done a lot of good for Indian Cricket.

So when he was appointed the Head Coach of the Indian Cricket Team I thought maybe ,the cricketer has finally got his due,but alas not everything is as green as it appears.

Everything seemed alright,be it his insistence on YOGA sessions or him advocating John Wright’s philosophy of taking the backseat,everything seemed to be falling in the right place for Indian Cricket.

They say performance is the criteria ,for selection,I do not know what criteria did Anil Kumble have to show either in his playing days (when he was frequently criticized by the media for not being a big turner of the ball. He did respond saying “My job is to take wickets not turn the ball.”) or during his brief but effective coaching stint.

Whether it is his squabbles with Virat Kolhi or the BCCI,we have again lost the services of a valuable human being and a patriotic team player.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Mumbai Meri Jaan – Always lending a helping hand.

All they know is that you are trying to get to the city of gold and that is enough. Come on board, they say.We will adjust.-Suketu Mehta

Mumbai is correctly described as a city of dreams and a city that never sleeps.Mumbai’s vast expansiveness, the magnanimity and generosity with which it accepts all caste ,creed,religion,region rich,poor,educated ,illiterate is simple astounding.Nowhere in the world would so many people with such diversity and cultural differences coexist and live together in harmony. Mumbai embraces people wholeheartedly who are ready to work hard and honest to their consciousness.

Mumbai exemplary behavior is best symbolized by its suburban local trains.It runs at the same pace,it runs at the same times, it is crowded as ever yet a person wanting to reach a destination is lend a helping hand,even if it is an overcrowded 6:00 pm local from Dadar to Kalyan.

It makes space for each one even when there is absolutely no space.It accepts all irrespective of he being an Obama’s son,or a small roadside vada pav vendor.It treats everyone with respect whether he is from Harvard or from a local Kendriya Vidyalaya.It distinguishes no one whether he is a Malayali,Punjabi,a Christian or a Sikh.

It accommodates people from all walks of life housewife’s, senior citizens, working professionals,business tycoons, politicians,cricketers,filmmakers and journalists.

It is the single most unifying factor maybe even bigger then cricket.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Hellish World

Those that have an attitude of service towards others are the beauty of society. - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Everyone here comes and recites ”Amma Amma Amma”
Some glossy,some through heartfelt devotion.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

Many smile, some from within,many a plastic
Some cry instantaneously in her arms,relieving their burden.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.
Few sensible,innumerable fools 
Some with deep pain,some artificial
some fake tears, all find a way in.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

Some come in search of happiness,some to bury their sorrow.
Few are compassionate here,many egoistic.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

Some praise,some hurl abuses,some shed tears,some smile
Many are selfless,few selfish.
Though the mantra here seems to be DONATIONS, DONATIONS and more DONATIONS.

Though each one here claims to be a devotee.

She consoles each one,
whether rich or poor,
knowledgable or ignorant,
whether selfish or selfless
with same ounce of love and compassion.

For her,each one is her devotee ,her child.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Right or Wrong - Who Decides?

                             My decisions are always right.

From childhood many things get told to us like what is the right thing to do what is not.Something like share things with your siblings,help your grandparents or friend in a particular subject .There are also set values parameters that one has to be honest,not to lie,not to steal,beg or resort to violence.To be disciplined and working hard has sweeter fruits than being lazy and aimless.

These parametes of right and wrong is taught to us in our childhood usually by our parents and by our teachers in our school.In the vast sense the parent have been taught by theirs and the society at large decides on what the customs are and quite obviously nobody likes to hear bad things being said about their children or students.

When a crime (as prescribed by law or constitution) is done then law takes its course and the courts and the judge decides on what is right or wrong as per the facts made available to him by the prosecutor or the investigation officer.

So now the question is who decides whether the court or the judge is right or wrong?

It can very well happen that a murderer is framed and that the person who has committed the crime is in Maimi, and free.

Sometimes it may also happen that the person who has been murdered is a highend criminal though appearing as a gentleman in public life (through contacts with media and power) and his living would be a cause of ruin for the accused as well as the society at large, though he gets projected as a matyr (media).


God alone is the supreme authority to decide on right and wrong,no other entity has the right to decide on it.And neither does he wave a green flag or a red flag to show a whether the decision is right or wrong.Absolutely no other authority has the power to decide on right or wrong.

Divinity decides by Law of Karma, the fruits of good karma being sweet (contentment) whereas fruits of wrong karma (despair and sadness)being always bitter.

As a human being one takes a decision considering what is best for the people who you love.A decision is good when it is taken with the interests of the people in mind rather than to appease them.Sometimes a majority decision, that may be harmful to the people gets taken to appease them and sometimes decisions based on our convictions may not be possible to get taken however good they may be,as the people may not be in favour or one could get harmed ,in such cases either one waits or takes a decision in surgical fashion.

Monday, 13 March 2017

A phenomenon called “Narendra Modi”

“People ask what your vision is, what is your big vision? I say ‘bhai’, I got here by way of selling tea (crowd erupts in applause). I am a simple (Chhota) man. I like focusing on simple and small tasks. I want to accomplish big things for the little guy.” –Narendra Modi

I am sure Modi era would be written as a golden era in Indian history whenever it gets published something similar to Ashoka rule of the Mauryan empire.Our future generations would be enticed and overawed by the beauty called Narendra Modi.

I think India is in the brink of a revolution with a revolutionary and dynamic leader Modi ushering a golden period for India.

I believe as patriotic Indians we need to make the best use of it rather than repent it later(read Mamta Banerjee,NDTV).People opposed to Narendra Modi should release that the country has a PM who has business acumen to negotiate with the US and Japan effectively, Kshatriya skills to take on the diktaks of China head on,political manoeuvre to take all parties along ,and above all who serves selflessly for the welfare of the economically backward sections of the society.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Rahul Gandhi to be a better Prime Minister than Priyanka Gandhi

The fragrance of flowers spread only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.

The perception in and around the people of India especially the media is that the fairer sex Priyanka Gandhi would be a better leader than Rahul Gandhi.It is widely believed that she would be able to win more votes and is a mass leader like Indira Gandhi.

On the contrary it is believed widely that Rahul Gandhi does not have the charisma that she may have ,has a low IQ,is a bunny of online trolls and not a mass leader who is able to generate votes and has not been able to ensure a win for the Congress.

The slogan from the party workers is “Priyanka laoo Congress Bachoo”.

I think Priyanka Gandhi being a magic wand and will be able to save the sinking ship of the Congress is a myth.I do not believe she in any way has the expertize to be in politics,forget winning it as the results of the recent UP elections do show.Her insistence on 105 seats at the cost of an alliance is very deplorable.Neither has she been able to win any seats in Amethi or make a big difference in Rae Bareli.

On the other Rahul Gandhi has more experience being in politics for sometime now and learnt the trade.He listens to people (read congress leaders etc.) knows the importance of collision (taking people along as in UP and Bihar) and does not live in myth or shadow of Congress being the Grand Old Party of India.He learns from mistakes faster and ready to play second fiddle if the situation demands so,thus making him more opportunistic of winning the elections in the years ahead.Rahul Gandhi though would do a lot better just working in silence.

Priyanka Gandhi definitely speaks better but she neither has the organisational skills or political acumen to be a successful politician and also still lives in the myth of Grand old party of India called Congress.

Though for either of them to be the Prime Minister of India they would definitely need to wait for the man of the moment called Narendra Modi to retire from active politics.

Also the voters are showing an interesting trend in UP,Bihar and Maharashtra muncipal polls of supporting development politics than freebies politics,though Kerala being an exception.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Dance bars to open in Maharashtra: Supreme Court

               I think it is better to have strip clubs than dance bars.

In my view, the move of the honorable SC ruling is a little regressive and myopic.The aspect that the people in the profession will lose their jobs is absolutely misplaced.It is again a case of misplaced compassion.The same reasoning was given for people who run alcohol bars in Bihar,they were told that they would to be provided with alternate profession of selling milk.

I think the honorable  SC should not fall prey in the traps of these scrupless people who run these dance bars and their clients who are giving it twist of “decent means of earning a living”, for their own ulterior motives.

I request the respected SC, to pass a ruling of banning these dance bars again and I think the Maharashtra Government under Devendra Fadnavis be fully capable of providing alternate professions to these dance bar girls ,by skilling them ,those who are interested,in various skills  like speaking english,tailoring ,housekeeping and computer literacy and not fall prey to the ulterior motives of the few who run the show.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Bhagat Singh v/s Mahatma Gandhi

My job is to take wickets,not turn the ball.-Anil Kumble

Bhagat Singh is most definitely a martyr,and his contribution to freedom struggle is unparalleled.But then he was hanged to death for taking revenge on Lala Lajpat Rai’s death.

I think he became myopic in his vision.My personal believe is that is lost track of the vision or the greater goal of accomplishing the freedom of India.

In the pursuit of winning a battle ,he lost the war.

It is sad that we lost a freedom fighter,for a battle and lost a war.

In retrospect Mahatma Gandhi had a higher goal or vision in mind of attaining independence from the British Raj.Mahatma Gandhi in turn did accomplish his biggest goal of life, in which many others had failed miserably,of attaining Purna Swaraj for India.I think The Father of the Nation deserves total credit for that.

I have often seen youth despising at Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals and praising Bhagat Singh for his valour and courage.

But a task half done is not done.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

My All time Favourite Movies in Malayalam and Hindi

        Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier.Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter.

Cinema takes you to an high ,it shows you what to dream,it entertains,some enlighten,some give hope,few also inspire.Some instill national pride. It takes you to a world of ecstasy.It provides joy,happiness and makes one smile .It takes you away from the pain,despair and misery. These creative people also do a great service to the society by bringing  people from different strata s of society,different regions,different cultures,different religions and different castes and tribes together.

A list of absolutely mesmerizing Indian Cinema from Malayalam and Hindi.A must watch.

Aby | Srikant Murali
Manichitrathazhu | Fazil
Rithu | Shyamaprasad
Commissioner | Shaji Kailas
The King | Shaji Kailas
Thira | Vineeth Sreenivasan
The Legend Of Bhagat Singh | Rajkumar Santoshi