These parametes of right and wrong is taught to us in our childhood usually by our parents and by our teachers in our school.In the vast sense the parent have been taught by theirs and the society at large decides on what the customs are and quite obviously nobody likes to hear bad things being said about their children or students.
When a crime (as prescribed by law or constitution) is done then law takes its course and the courts and the judge decides on what is right or wrong as per the facts made available to him by the prosecutor or the investigation officer.
So now the question is who decides whether the court or the judge is right or wrong?
It can very well happen that a murderer is framed and that the person who has committed the crime is in Maimi, and free.
Sometimes it may also happen that the person who has been murdered is a highend criminal though appearing as a gentleman in public life (through contacts with media and power) and his living would be a cause of ruin for the accused as well as the society at large, though he gets projected as a matyr (media).
God alone is the supreme authority to decide on right and wrong,no other entity has the right to decide on it.And neither does he wave a green flag or a red flag to show a whether the decision is right or wrong.Absolutely no other authority has the power to decide on right or wrong.
Divinity decides by Law of Karma, the fruits of good karma being sweet (contentment) whereas fruits of wrong karma (despair and sadness)being always bitter.
As a human being one takes a decision considering what is best for the people who you love.A decision is good when it is taken with the interests of the people in mind rather than to appease them.Sometimes a majority decision, that may be harmful to the people gets taken to appease them and sometimes decisions based on our convictions may not be possible to get taken however good they may be,as the people may not be in favour or one could get harmed ,in such cases either one waits or takes a decision in surgical fashion.